Knowing the Facts and Consequences of Rhinoplasty

The motivations for breast enhancement NJ, that is to say, a nose correction, can be physical or aesthetic. First, a deviated nose can cause obstructions and headaches. On the other hand, the shape of the nose can deviate from the ideal of beauty and bother you. In both cases, you can resort to surgery.

Rhinoplasty Facts

Rhinoplasty is a cosmetic surgery operation that is designed to change the shape and size of the nose. The complexity of a rhinoplasty varies by type of correction. Thus, the correction of the bridge of the nose is relatively simple while the correction of the tip of the nose is rather complex. Rhinoplasty can be done after the growth of facial bones is complete, that is to say, after 18 years of age. This procedure is also very effective for older people, since upon aging, cartilage thickness and elasticity of the skin decreases. So, technically, there is no maximum age for rhinoplasty.

Given the complexity of the anatomy of the nose, rhinoplasty NJ is a very delicate operation that results in dire consequences for the overall appearance of the face, self-confidence and emotional comfort. It is essential to analyze the deformation to correct and fix the aesthetic goals before undergoing rhinoplasty. The immediate result of rhinoplasty is not the final result. Keep in mind that the result is significant only after a year. Realistic expectations about the intervention will help you enjoy the result.

Radical Changes and Consequences

Nose surgery has radical consequences. Take the time to learn about the process of correcting the nose and on the postoperative treatment following surgery. This type of procedure is done to change the tip of the nose, reduce the size of the nose, correct a crooked nose, remove a hump or correct the corner between the nose and upper lip. These interventions can be combined.

Depending on the type of operation, rhinoplasty can be carried out under local or general anesthesia. The operation lasts 2 to 3 hours. Aesthetic nose surgery can take place by various methods. Firstly, there is the 'operation of closed nose' which does not leave scars. This type of operation does not offer many opportunities to change the tip of the nose.

A second possibility a plastic surgeon NJ gives is 'the open nose operation' that offers a better view of the cartilaginous structures of the nose, allowing a very accurate correction of the tip. Rhinoplasty is not always the most appropriate response. Sometimes a chin implant is a better solution, for example, for people with a big nose. This implant has a positive impact on the aesthetics of the nose. Contact GPeck to learn more.